Nakazaki Dojo is our Hombu/Main Dojo.
Aikido Kenshukai Nakazaki Dojo
Osaka City, Kita-ku, Nakazaki 2-3-12, Sobajima Bldg. 4F.
(大阪市北区中崎2-3-12 傍島ビル)
2 Minute walk north from Exit 2 of the Osaka Metro "Nakazaki-cho Station" on the "Tanimachi-Line"
11 minute walk from JR Temma Station or Hankyu Umeda Station.
Regular Class
7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. (19:00 - 20:00) Mondays and Wednesdays
7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. (19:00 - 21:00) Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
No classes on the 2nd Monday of every month.
Wednesdays may be closed once per month due to scheduling. Please check the calendar or inquire by email if you are thinking of coming on Wednesdays.
Children's/Family Class
(Age 6 - 13, Elementary School Students)
7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. (19:00 - 20:00)
"Family Class" is when one Parent/Guardian takes the Children's class together with their child.
There are no regular classes on seminar days.
Please note that there is no designated "Beginner's Class." We adjust our training in the Regular Class to accommodate beginners so that they can participate safely without fear of injury to themselves or their partner.
※Feel free to consult with us if you have time restriction issues (i.e. coming to class late or leaving class early).
※Instruction in English is available, upon request, for those who have difficulty understanding Japanese, or those who wish to use the opportunity to train and improve their English at the same time.
Yamaguchi Tetsu 7th Dan
Watanabe 5th dan Mifune 5th dan Ishimura 4th dan Norris 4th dan
5000 Yen
Men: 6500 Yen/Month
Women: 5500 Yen/Month
University Students (Undergraduate): 4500 Yen/Month
High School Students and Under: 3000 Yen/Month
Family (1 Parent/Guardian and 1 Elementary School Student-Aged Child): 6000 Yen/Month
Visitor Fee
Kenshukai Dojo Members: 1500 Yen/class, max total equal to monthly fee.
(Non-Members) 2000 Yen/class
If joining after the 15th of the month, the price of monthly membership fee is reduced to 2/3 for the month joined (rounded down to the nearest hundred yen).
Men: 4300 Yen, Women: 3600 Yen, University Students: 3000 Yen, High School Students and Under: 2000 Yen, Family (Elementary School and Under): 4000 Yen.
*Sustaining Member Fee: 1000 Yen/Month
*Sustaining member fee is the reduced monthly fee to retain membership applied to the month(s) where a member is unable to participate in any classes for reasons such as work, school, travel.
4 months of non-payment of monthly fees will result in loss of membership.
Seminar Fees are separate from monthly fees. Please refer to the Seminar page for details.
Aikido Kenshukai Nakazaki Dojo is an association formed without any legally binding documents and operates as a nonprofit Aikido dojo. However, we collect the above dues in order to maintain the dojo and preserve the space for members to practice.
Osaka City After-school Subsidy Program
Nakazaki Dojo is registered with the Osaka City After-school Activities Subsidy Program for junior high school students.
This subsidy program is available to Osaka City residents ONLY.
Please let us know if you wish to use the program to pay for the Membership Fee for your child (can be used to pay for Initiation Fee as well).
For more information, please head to the Osaka City After-school Activities Subsidy Program website in the link below.
(please note the website may not be using the latest connection security system and your browser may potentially stop you from connecting automatically).