Aikido Seminar by Yamaguchi Tetsu Shihan

Aikido Kenshukai Dojo holds monthly Aikido seminars led by Yamaguchi Tetsu Shihan.


The monthly Aikido seminar is held on a weekend of each month, and the date will be announced once it has been scheduled. The announcement will usually be made at least one month ahead to help people adjust their plans.


The Aikido seminar is made up of 4 periods over 2 days (Saturday evening and Sunday morning) for a total of 5 hours of practice.


Anyone can participate even if they plan to join for just 1 period.


To register please provide your name, age, rank, and organization and send it by e-mail to us at our e-mail address below.



Aikido Seminar Schedule

The next seminar by Yamaguchi Tetsu Sensei is scheduled to be held on February 15th and 16th.

The following seminar is scheduled to be held on March 15th and 16th.

Seminar Schedule by Day

Saturday February 15th at Nakazaki Dojo

1st period 18:15 - 19:30


2nd period 19:45 - 21:00

Sunday February 16th at Watanabe Dojo

1st period 10:00 - 11:15


2nd period 11:30 - 12:45

Seminar Fees

Nakazaki Dojo Members

1 Day  3000 Yen


2 Days  3500 Yen


1 Day  3500 Yen


2 Days  4500 Yen

Students (High School and Up)

1 Day  2000 Yen


2 Days  2500 Yen

Aikido Kenshukai Dojo Online Seminar

The Aikido Kenshukai Dojo Online Seminar is led by Yamaguchi Tetsu Shihan using video and/or photos for shared viewing via online meeting.


Those who are affiliated with Aikido Kenshukai Dojo or have previously attended Yamaguchi Tetsu Shihan's Seminar and have received express approval to join and may register via e-mail.

Online Seminar Schedule

The date of the next Aikido Kenshukai Dojo Online Seminar remains yet to be determined.

Thoughts from Participants of the Online Seminar

The reviews of the 1st Aikido Kenshukai Dojo Online Seminar has been collected and made available on the blog "Aikido Kenshukai Practioner's Page." Please view them by clicking on the links below.

(Japanese language only)


Review collection #1


Review collection #2